Review: Harmony House

Nov 17, 2019

Harmony House Harmony House by Nic Sheff
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

With it being Halloween season I wanted something a bit more scary but I ended up really not enjoying this. If this wasn't so short I would have DNF'd it. I really don't know the story line to this book.

We follow Jen and her move to a new town and new home. The thing is, the people in the town talk about how scary and haunted Harmony House is but I feel like you never get the back story. You find out that apparently Jen is supposed to have some kind of power but I don't know, I just really did not get this book. It was very mixed. It wasn't put together well. The story was not smooth. It was just skipping and you missed a lot of between the lines stuff that wasn't there for you.

I am shacking my head 3 times no on this one. It took me way to long to read this only 5 hours audiobook.

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