Review: Dark Obscurity

May 9, 2019

Dark Obscurity Dark Obscurity by Bradley Cornish
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This book was not at all what I expected. Not sure really what I thought but I did not know it was so adult. It had been a while since I read the synopsis so I could not really remember anything. The dead line was approaching and I needed to get this read but after a full month of endless jobs, I finally made time to read this short book. I did only take about 2 hours to read because I was up doing other things so it is a short read.

Trigger Warnings: rape, sex, murder, language

This story left on a huge cliff hanger. It has very strong sex scenes. So know that going in.

The story line was about a girl that mixed up with the wrong crowd and then it became a tangle of lies and you didn't really know who to trust. Meeting a cute guy from college went wrong when he took her to a house to pick up a bag for his "side Job" - after a night of fun and love making to name that lightly - she wakes up from a bath to find he has disappeared. It becomes a game of cat and mouse to try to find out what happened to Jack.

Please note the sex scenes were random and she slept with everyone she met with out knowing them. This was uncool knowing she is a college student and even then entered into a sex scene with the officer. I mean that was a fast scene. Maybe had the story been built on more and the lives of them were more tangled then let it happened but that was with in minutes of meeting each guy.

Now if you love this style of book then I say go for it but this is not for anyone under the age 18. this is very adult.

Also there were some misspelled words and commas out of place but this was the advanced copy to that should be expected of this. I hope it was corrected before publication

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