Review: City of Bones

Mar 1, 2019

City of Bones City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really wanted to hop on this band wagon and see what this series was all about. Pretty much knew most about it book one because I have watched the movie and TV show but I have heard the deeper you get into this series. The better it gets.

I really did enjoy it but it did a have some issues but I want to keep reading the series. I do really enjoy the characters and want to follow them on this book journey!

I will give my deeper review later since I am on my phone right now.

UPDATE: Okay. So I am now on book 3 but noticed I did not give my update on this. I don't want give a lot because most people already know the story line and plot of this book series. But for me, I did enjoy it. As I said before, I did spoil myself because I had watched the movie and so most of this was following that. So even the end was not a shocker me.

But we meet a girl named Clary that is about to reach the age that her life is about to change. Secrets have been kept from her for years, but one night at a party she starts seeing people that others can not see. She sees someone murdered but the thing is, there is no sign and no one else seen this. And the people that committed the murder are surprised when she sees them because the only ones that can see them are "Shadowhunters". This story is fun and loved following there story as it grows and how Clary's story unfolds. You do get some demon hunting and killing in this book.

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