Friend Friday #11 - Currenlty Reading

Jan 25, 2019

Hello Rustic Beauties!

The Holidays have passed and we are now back at it strong in our reading. I am excited for a new year! So many great books coming out this year. I will have a updated 2019 release coming soon at my most anticipated.

Today I want to talk about my currently reading list. Okay, guys! I have got to get my list narrowed down! I will start one book and then join in on buddy reading and lay one book down and now I have also started the Mortal instruments series and I am determined that mid- this year, I will have this entire series completed with spin offs and all. Wish me luck.

As of right now I have the following books that I am currently reading. I need you guys to help  me chose which ones to finish and what order! I don't want to start any other books except those that I am buddy reading.



I am working my way through My favorite Things is Monsters so that one I am okay being on there but I really have got to get these others off so I can start preparing for newer books. Does anyone else have this issue of picking up to many books at one time and then think "WHAT AM I DOING?" lol

Well guys, also I am currently working on getting my YouTube channel so I hope to get it up and going soon. I really am a bit nervous to join the booktube world. I love this world but people can be very brutal when it comes to a book a like. Treat me kind please! LOL

Until next time guys!
Rustic Book Reviews

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