Review: The Oddling Prince

Apr 24, 2018

The Oddling Prince The Oddling Prince by Nancy Springer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received this book from #netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have never read a book by this author but kept hearing great things about this book and I am so glad that the publisher released this book to me, but after reading the book I did feel that the book had a few faults to it. I still enjoyed it but I did rate it at 3 stars because of me feeling torn in between loving it and not sure about it.

Aric is a 17 year old prince of a stony kingdom in Scotland. The Kingdom is sort of isolated. The story is about his father that is lying on his deathbed with a powerful ring on his finger that has not be able to be removed. Out of no where an unknown prince barges in and saves the king's life by removing the ring. The surprising thing that caught me off guard was that the son was a FAE. I was very excited they added this aspect to the book. What the father did not know was this was his son, Albaric, from the otherworld. The king had forgotten the time he spent in the Otherworld. Albaric is not sure where he belongs., He feels he doesn't fit in anywhere. But along the way the father and son bond quickly, so Aric sets out to help Albaric find a place where he belongs. Along the journey they are faced with battles but the learn to fight together.

The end was not what I expected but with that being said I still really enjoyed this book even though I did find it falling short at times. I still think that if this book does continue into another book, I would definitely pick it up because I think the author could do great things with it. .

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